To reach the Divine you have to learn to be Human

Just a few days before we entered 2021 I heard a mantra, an ancient medicine song from South America, that ended with the words: ”to reach the Divine, you have to learn to be Human”. This verse really spoke to me, and I want it to be with me this year, I want us to remember how to be human. To recognize the beauty of our body-mind-heart. Our capacity for self healing. Our innate freedom. My yoga and meditation practice is key for me to stay centered and focused on that; beauty, healing and freedom.
I have recognized again these last few weeks the power of visualization, it is not magic, it just makes sense! What are you visualizing for yourself and your loved ones? For the world? What we wish, intend and put our focus on, that will grow. We can start with one word: Namaste. It is a greeting, it is a form to express gratitude, and it means that ”the light in me recognizes the light in you”.  

As we enter February, to me always a month connected to tulips, days are starting to get longer, and the flower shops are filled with these wonderful flowers. To me they are a signal for light, re-blossom, that spring soon will come!

As You enter February, what do you want, what brings light and happiness to your life and to your home?

Maybe there is a calling to start or re-start your practice of yoga or meditation?! This is not always easy alone. Now many yoga studios are closed or have reduced groups and schedules. Most of us practice online. If you are not sure how an online practice could work for you, I promise that my intention is to create a virtual community where we can meet, share and practice together. It’s a time saver, and you have the possibility to create your own sacred place for practice at Home! Therefore I want to give you the opportunity to try a week of practice for free! 

Book 2 classes in the same week, and give yourself a treat! A place to connect, breathe and move consciously!

Or book 2 coaching sessions for free, and we set up an individual time!*
*either 2 x 30 min sessions, or 1 x 60 min session.

***Choose your Boost***

Group classes online:

In English:
Mondays at 10:00 

Thursdays at 18:30

Tuesdays at 18:30

In Spanish:

Mondays at 18:30
Thursdays at 10:00

Check out the full ONLINE PROGRAM for SPRING 2021 on 


Picture: Saffu on Unsplash


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