Christmas Greetings 2017

Time flies, and around these dates I always like to summarize the year:)

I believe Yoga is a sort of construction work. Just think about the body; the fascia holding together muscles, bones and organs, giving form, flexibility and integration to what is being built. Also soul and mind need to be hold up, maintained and taken care of, just as a construction site. Sometimes in life everything is ruined, and we need to go back from scratch, start over, and despite the pain and sorrow that can cause, it is indeed an Opportunity. To start with a blank canvas, paint whatever you want.
A little piece of my construction work is to help and support people in need. This year I have mainly been focusing on Mexico, and one of the works I am supporting is the re-construction of the church in Tepalcingo, that was totally ruined in the earth quake in September. The church is a place for reunion, an important one for the people in the area. Therefore a friend of mine, supported by an architect, decided to re-build the church. The work is done by volunteers and they need our support for materials. I hold 2 donation based classes this fall and we collected more than 150$ that was sent directly to Mexico. If you would like to support this construction work, please make a donation:

Back to this year: it started on the island and then in April I walked the Camino de Santiago with my soul sister. It was an amazing experience, 30 days of walking meditation. The month of May I spent again on Mallorca, in Jardi de Llum, a special place where Bijan and Shamataa, have created a space for enjoyment, self care and soul exploration. We hosted some workshops and a retreat together, hopefully more to come next year!
This year I was also lucky to visit Der Seehof in Austria again, and no less than 3 times. In September my mum joined me and we had a wonderful long weekend, together with both known and new yoguis.
I was also given the beautiful opportunity to spend a couple of months in Sweden this summer, at Vålådalens Fjällstation. I never thought I would enjoy the silence, the views, and the natural spaces of my home country so much. I spent a lot of time walking, hiking, and in silence, and I really had the feeling of somehow making peace with my roots. We were offering yoga every morning and afternoon, massage, as well as two special packages with yoga, meditation and guided walks. The idea is to be back next summer with a similar program! 
The second weekend of November I enjoyed our annual Walking & Yoga Holidays together with Nina and Mallorca Hiking.
I have also been given another great opportunity this autumn assisting as a teacher on the Yoga Expansive Studies Program together with my teacher and mentor, Zaira Leal at Zunray in Palma. 

I am of course as well continuing my own studies, attending the «Crazy about Yoga-program» with Zaira, as well as the spring-workshops tought by the founders of the Bowspring system, Desi Springer and John Friend, and just recently also some master classes with one of the first Bowspring teachers in Europe, Bastian Schlickeisen.

With this email I would like to wish you All
Peaceful Holidays
and a «constructive»  New Year 2018,
filled with Bliss, Joy and Growth!

Kramar, Hugs, Abrazos!


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