I was so lucky to start the year traveling. Destination: South India. It was my first time in India, and I only saw a little part of it. We spent 10 days in an Ayurvedic center, where I got to learn more about this ancient science of life, close to nature, and close to people who have lived with this wisdom their entire lives. It was a cleanse for body and mind. I also spent days in a Shivananda Ashram, I loved the devotional aspect of the practice, and also to go back to one of modern/classic yoga’s origins. It was a colorful journey in many ways, and a journey to close my eyes and remember during the next coming months. In February I finished my life coaching training in Sweden, I very much enjoyed these course encounters, and even more the practice hours with clients online and in person. Thanks to those of you who joined in with trust and commitment! Integrating the technics of coaching and neuro science studies into my holistic teachings and counseling of yoga and meditation, I have discovered that it is really the different tools together that bring us to a deeper and more complete process of transformation. I feel so grateful to work with what I love and offer a holistic approach in my classes and sessions.

In February and March, just before lock down in Europe, I had the great possibility to give two yoga holidays at two of my favorite hotels; Sa Bassa Rotja in Mallorca and Der Seehof in Austria.Thank you to those who joined me, and I hope we can create more encounters like these soon again! The summer I was lucky to spend in Sweden, breathing mountain air and offering daily yoga, massage, and hiking and yoga holidays. Otherwise this has been an online year for me, and I guess for many. It has been a safe way to stay in touch. Even if I think we all miss to meet and practice in person, it works surprisingly well to meet online, and it is a nice way to keep in touch with friends, clients and students from far and near.
This year for many has been a year to let go of expectations, re-invent in the small as well in the bigger things, and also to say a big Hello to the present moment. What have been your biggest learnings and insights this year?
Time flies and soon it is Christmas again. Probably it will be a different Christmas for many people. I am hoping for all of us to just embrace what is and have a restful Holiday. Maybe we will have to let go of expectations, re-invent traditions, and breathe in the Now… A different approach always gives a different outcome, and different does not have to be ”bad” or ”worse”, it could even be surprisingly nice, full of new learnings, and why not, very peaceful.
A special thought to those of you who have had an extra busy and tough year at work, or privately, and might will have during Christmas as well. Thank You for the work you do with yourself, for others and for the world!
And I want to send an enormous Holiday Hug to each and everyone of you. Grateful to keep in touch virtually and wishing our circles and communities to expand next year, and that you will stay healthy and peaceful in these times.
Happy December!
India, January 2020