International Yoga Day 2019

Are you happy? Sometimes I ask myself why happiness is, or at least has been, such a solemn and intangible thing for me. Something I’m not worthy of. To be happy. Somehow I think many of us have been told in one way or the other that pure happiness doesn’t exist, that it isn’t possible to live without suffering. Depending how you look at it, the world has become a more sinister place. Every day we see violence, war, exploitation, illness, and destruction of mother earth.

However, depending how you look at it, the world every time becomes a place of more beauty. How I understand it, the world becomes more precious the more we learn how to dance in harmony with ourselves, the more we listen, observe and get to know our true nature. Seeing the beauty in life, doesn’t mean to ignore suffering, but to meet the shadows and the difficulties with serenity from a state of awareness. I believe that only from our pure centre of love, light and wisdom, we can provoce a true revolution, towards a world in peace. The world, does it really change? Or is it the way we look at it that changes? Can the way we look at things change them? How do you see the world? Or, starting closer, how do you look at yourself? Lets not forget, that each of you are the world, and if you can change the way you look at yourself you can also change your perception of the world. This isn’t just an idea, ideas don’t really take us anywhere, but changing the way you look at things requires action. Changing your gaze is changing your attitude. And only by changing your attitude to yourself, you can change the attitue with others. We Can create peace in the world cultivating our inner peace.

Lets look at a simple example: How often do you look at yourself in the mirror with a negative comment, and how does that affect the rest of your day and the way you look at others; your family members, or people at the grocery store, or your friends and collegues? How would it be if you changed the way you look at yourself? Next time you cross paths with a mirror, see if you can tell your reflection something you are good at or like about yourself, and see how that may change the way you feel and the way you look at others through out the day. Observe what happens. That is meditation. It is observing and changing the way you look at things. And to me, here is where happiness begins.

Honouring the International Yoga Day on June 21st, I am dedicating this month to observe and celebrate all the different aspects fo yoga, which are giving me so much magic every day. Yoga has tought me how to change the way I look at things. What is yoga teaching you?

Kramar, Hugs, Abrazos! –

Please read further for upcoming events and home practice!

Happy Summer!



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